Bill Wolfe learns from his mistakes, Military, police, martial arts. you should too

it's only a mistake.. if you don't lean from it!

It was a long time ago I ventured into the world of wanting to be a warrior.  From reading about the Spartans to knights, and the martial arts of the ninja to Samurai as a kid that got me into physically training and later WWI and WWII veterans inspired me to be a professional soldier.   Their influences and the stories of these fearless men and women inspired my respect and admiration for their service.  It also set me on a path of training and discovery that I am still on today.  Learning personally from the veterans I served with and knowing of their daring deeds and bravery were legendary within my Regiment.  When they dressed for battle they were truly an awesome sight.  I truly wanted to step into their world and did so for over three decades; learning, serving and being operationally challenged as they were putting those skills to work.  Those lessons learned!


This cause and effect has shaped my sense of training and the tactics I’ve used.   

That means I have learned from my mistakes.  That’s why I chose to teach a realistic martial art approach that today has been validated by my three decades of walking in their boots learning as I went.  I will tell you, in all this time I have never found a secret Bunkai as many eastern thinking martial artist practitioners sell.  I know for me the secret to training, if it were to be told, was all the sweat equity I have put in.  Over 60 years now, the first 30 or so to learn it.  Then there is 30 plus more years of tactical validation. This has allowed me to select the proper use of force options in those times when I was truly being tested physically and mentally; life or death if you will.  In my experience whether for good or evil violence has always been brutal and therefore my training and selection of techniques reflects that school of hard knocks.  In this space and time there are no secret techniques that will get your ass out of trouble if you have not first selected the right training path and sweated in the hundreds, if not thousands of hours to master those possible scenarios.


One’s training, in my opinion, must be filled with determination when it comes to learning not just the physical and tactical aspects but also the mindfulness and spiritual components.  This of course is the ‘warriors calling’ that leads to a path less travelled these days.  Discovering the hiding wisdom found in your sweat equity allows you to develop the courage to face the threat and employ that skill and knowledge in the face of a determined enemy.   Could this perhaps be the secret Bunkai of the samurai’s ‘disciplined execution’, learning their craft just as it is today for our elite warriors…sweat equity, no other discipline develops the moral courage to become a warrior and prepare one for the path ahead.  But then too, sweat equity alone is wasted if the training itself makes no sense.  Real training takes extra effort and research to address the reality of threats one could face today.  That in itself takes a lot of work and planning, a real talent few martial artists strive to master or worse they are just lazy and default to the fantasy side of the martial arts because it is already scripted for them!  Sadly, offering this secret Bunkai approach is fuelling the mystical fantasy and that is better suited for a martial art movie plot than the reality of warrior training in your martial art class.  


In a fantasy there is no real threat

Today, in my opinion a lot of martial art/self- defense training is just nonsense because of being locked into ‘My life as a Samurai fantasy’.  It’s not warrior training but in most cases warrior themed training.  That’s all good if that’s what you signed up for, the roll playing.  Fantasy does not need to meet the tactical paradigm of validated training standards or curriculum requirements to train a modern day warrior.  A theme whether it is sport-based or fantasy replaces the realistic approach to physical, tactical, mental and even spiritual training.  In a fantasy there is no real threat to train for because like in the movie you always come out ahead and in the sports event, even a brutal one, there is always a safety aspect which voids the threat of you getting grievous bodily harm or worse killed.  Therefore your training has a window which works in that dojo environment but hardly at all on the street.  


Then and Now

But surely you’re thinking, violence today is the same as yesteryear and that is true!   But, and this is hard for many to accept, people today are not of the same mindset when it comes to the hardship and sacrifice in creating a warriors edge as their grandfather was.  If you doubt that statement then just take a close look at our military and police training standards for recruits or compare a martial art class today compared to how it was taught in the good old days.  I am told people today do not know how to be mentally prepared because they are too mentally pampered.   I hear a lot of blame for this mindset is video game playing making this generation weak.   But then someone told me that gaming will soon become an Olympic event replacing most likely Judo or Wrestling.  Surely that must take some kind of mental preparation process after all it’s the Olympics?  But today the reality check of violence is often measured by statistics rather than blood. Because statistic approach is so abstract, few people see the cause and effect and therefore it’s not really a worry.  Let’s face it, marketing violence in a video game sells more than warrior history, unless perhaps it’s capsulated into a video game then the more blood the better.  As a result there are more gamers in the world than martial artists, especially Judo players, so the gamer draws an audience and ratings.  Does it affect how we might approach our training?  I would say yes, because martial arts fantasy is built into those games.  Thus the martial art class in most schools is affected by trends and/or themes today because one needs to draw potential students into the school. And even if these ridiculous themes degrade training they are pushed by the industry movers and shakers.  I am sure we all agree reality does not sell nor does telling someone there are no secrets, just sweat and pain when it comes to learning those techniques.  Perhaps it’s not a positive motivational seller.  No one is more ‘deadly than deadly’ as depicted in video games or movies but within the fantasy you can be (more deadly than deadly).  Then there are those movie heroes like John Wick.  No one sees the actor putting in hundreds of hours learning choreographed fight scenes, or working up sweat equity to the point where they can then capture that fight scene on film.  Thus including all that terrific action in the plot of the film to impress, John Wick makes killing look easy while executing those martial art moves dispatching dozens of foes.  If I told most people I could teach them to fight like John Wick and they wouldn’t even need to work that hard to achieve this incredible skill, I just might find a line up at the door of my school.  Perhaps who ever created the video game is the gamers new secret Bunkai.  But if  there is a secret clandestine world teaching secret techniques out there I would have discovered it in 60 years of searching for it.  But just imagine if I had the Bunkai that no old school master would have ever taught till now and I am the sole person living with that knowledge.   But then I think we have created enough warrior fantasy, especially if it is true gaming may be included in the Olympics’.  Call it what it is a commercial opportunity, since the Olympics is losing its audience, an easy sell or is it?  How can a Judo black belt Olympian compare to all this!


No sweat Equity for the ‘new class’ of self branded warriors.. 

Another new warrior has appeared on your block.   A warrior concept, worse in my opinion than gaming, would be in the Olympics; ‘the political warrior‘ scary fantasy conspiracy groups bent on saving us all from ourselves and of course the Government (unless it’s their Government).  Clearly a new warrior class politically inspired by lame duck politicians the world over, that seem to be authorizing ridiculously motivated groups status.  When they gather under their flags they direct hate indiscreetly and they see themselves as freedom’s warriors.  Whether they are on the right or left of the spectrum they are to be feared.  Not because they are trained to fight, but because they lack integrity. That indomitable spirit is the hallmark of a warrior.  I am sure their training regime includes mastering ‘Call of Duty’ and other warrior based fantasy games to start their world-order fantasy.  I am pretty sure they have seen every John Wick movie available, slow motioning the fight scenes and fantasizing that is now them.  Some even train as weekend warriors at clandestine camps near you.  On the news you’ve seen their faces and they’ve bought the warrior gear and mastered the talk.  At any other time in modern history you might find it comical but not today I assure you.  They represent a clear and present danger to your lifestyle, family safety and your freedom.   Their secret Bunkai, well there is none other than hate and a huge lack of common sense which seems sponsored by somewhat questionable intelligence, found within some elected officials and others who see themselves as more informed than us unenlightened types.  This needs to be addressed as they gain momentum and as their fear of us normal citizens becomes paranormal their actions will become even more violent.  And yes you got it violence becomes their solution and you’re either with them or you’re the enemy.  Doubt me?  Just select any one of these groups and read their manifestos.  Hear their leaders and listen to their madness.  If it sounds to you like it could be George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” you’d be right.  You just might want to start training yourself, putting in the sweat equity as it would seem personal protection just might be a bigger priority than you thought today thanks to these groups. Warriors must think for themselves, fact check and be loyal to a higher principle that forbids ill rational use of their skill and knowledge.  And I mention this as a warning, as groups like this have tried to recruit me.   A wise old soldier once told me, “Bullshit baffles brains” especially when you’re drowning in it.  So warriors beware!


No Secret Bunkai

I am not sure I can sell fantasy or would even want to.  There is no secret Bunkai and calling bullshit to that just might be the only true warrior option left.  This default fantasy, to real warrior training in the martial arts or self-defense training, has been cataclysmic to the realistic path of the warrior spirit.  It is especially concerning to me when at a time in our history we need true warrior minded citizens who are able to stand up for what is right and not be drawn into the herd mentality or worse sacrifice human decency, to repeat our darkest human history at the cost of human life and that suffering we know to be wrong.   How many warriors throughout history wished they had made that mistake but rather the right choice at that critical moment that would have made a difference?  In my opinion a warrior’s education and this includes martial arts training today must prepare us to make those difficult rational choices even when others perhaps would not.  Warrior cultures have always come up with codes to follow, Bushido being one of the more famous.  But even though codes like this are widely accepted we have seen throughout history how they can be manipulated to get a blind following to create un-rational events.  Horrific mistakes!  So having said that I will tell you I do not follow them (yes I’ve study Bushido and others), I train my physical skills and correspondingly I train my rational spirit by feeding it and not allowing it to be hijacked, in other words I never give over control of that indomitable spirit to anyone or anything.  That to I have learned from my own mistakes.


Enough Fantasy

I have experienced enough fantasy and it is time to get back to the basics of being warriors in our training and therefore preparing ourselves to combat nonsense and/or fantasy in all its forms by keeping it real.  Feed your own ‘warrior spirit’ using realistic training guidelines, after all is that not what all the martial art master teachers have done throughout history…find your own path and became enlightened, that uncommon warrior and legend we want to be.  As a wise SF leader once said to me, “Lead, follow or get the fuck out of the way” and that’s my attitude still to this day.  And having trained hard to be a warrior has paved my path to that aim and I hope it does the same for you. 

So, its only a mistake if you don’t learn from your training!